SURE model simulation

Generation of a random SURE model data record.

Enter data

Structure of input data (CSV-file)


$r$-   number of key goals,
$s_i$- number of sub goals of $i$-th key goal, $i=1,...,r$,
$x_0, x_1$  - minimal and maximal value of evaluation interval, integer-valued, $x_0 < x_1$,
$x_0^*, x_1^*$  - score limits for simulation, integer-valued, $x_0 \le x_0^*\le x_1^*\le x_1$,
$n$- simulation sample size.

Spaces and line breaks are allowed.

The simulator generates uniformly distributed integer-valued random numbers from interval $[x_0^*,x_1^*]$ as score values $x_{ij}^{(k)}$ for $A_{ij}$ for $i=1,...,r, j=1,...,s_i$ and $k=1,...,n$.
The generated data record can be transfered with C&P to eva.html for further data analysis in sense of SURE model.