Summer Workshop 3th time organized successful in Laubusch. Participants from Germany, Mongolia, Russia, India and Canada active worked all together during 3 days. Thanks to all who is came and present own research ideas and changed new ideas about cooperation for future. Thanks a lot to IBS Foundation and to Prof.Hardt for support of this workshop. Thanks to all participnats for interesting presentations.
Early start was in 2009. In 2009 one student Otgonbayar went to CUT to do practice and to write bachelor diploma work at the CUT. In 2011 First time organized workshop between CUT and MUST in Chemnitz. Second time in 2012 Summer workshop extended by Russian and Chinese Guests and it hold by the IBS Foundation in Laubusch.
Thanks for giving us such a nice opportunity to put forth our views and opinion.
Dear Ambarish, It is nice to read your comment and reflection about our workshop. You are welcome. Feel free in my internet space.
Ээлжит олон улсын уулзалт семинар амжилттай болсонд баяр хүргэе. Улам өргөжиж байгаа юм байна.
Thanks for warm comment.